Doctor Disclosure Agreement

This Doctor Disclosure Agreement ("Agreement") is a legally binding contract between you, the licensed healthcare provider ("Doctor"), and DocMobil Telemedicine Platform ("DocMobil"). By providing telemedicine services to patients through the DocMobil platform, you agree to the terms and conditions outlined in this Agreement. Please read this document carefully before using the platform.

1. Telemedicine Services

1.1 DocMobil provides a telemedicine platform that enables Doctors to offer medical consultations, diagnoses, treatment plans, and other medical services to patients through secure video, audio, and messaging functionalities.

1.2 Doctors must hold a valid and unrestricted medical license in the jurisdiction(s) where they practice and must comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and professional standards while providing telemedicine services.

2. Patient Privacy and Confidentiality

2.1 Doctors must respect and protect patient privacy and confidentiality at all times. Patient information shared during telemedicine consultations must be treated with the utmost care and in compliance with applicable privacy laws and DocMobil's privacy policy.

2.2 Doctors shall not disclose, share, or use patient information for any purpose other than providing telemedicine services, unless required by law or authorized by the patient.

2.3 Doctors must use secure internet connections and ensure they are in a private and confidential location during telemedicine consultations to protect patient confidentiality.

3. Professional Standards and Quality of Care

3.1 Doctors must provide telemedicine services with the same standard of care and professionalism expected in traditional in-person medical consultations.

3.2 Doctors are responsible for ensuring that telemedicine consultations are appropriate for the patient's medical condition and that they have the necessary information to make informed decisions about diagnosis and treatment.

3.3 Doctors shall maintain accurate and complete medical records of telemedicine consultations, as required by applicable laws and regulations.

4. Informed Consent and Patient Education

4.1 Doctors must obtain informed consent from patients before initiating any telemedicine consultation. Patients should be informed about the nature of telemedicine services, their limitations, and any potential risks.

4.2 Patients should receive appropriate education and instructions regarding the use of the DocMobil platform to ensure they can fully participate in telemedicine consultations.

5. Technical Requirements

5.1 Doctors must ensure they have access to a reliable internet connection and compatible devices (e.g., smartphone, tablet, or computer) to provide telemedicine services through the DocMobil platform.

5.2 DocMobil is not responsible for any technical issues on the Doctor's end that may affect the quality or availability of telemedicine services.

6. Insurance and Malpractice Coverage

6.1 Doctors are responsible for verifying and maintaining appropriate malpractice insurance coverage to protect themselves while providing telemedicine services.

6.2 Doctors shall inform patients about insurance coverage and billing practices related to telemedicine services offered through the DocMobil platform.

7. Compliance with Laws and Regulations

7.1 Doctors must comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and professional guidelines related to telemedicine practice and patient care.

7.2 Doctors shall not engage in any fraudulent, illegal, or unethical activities while using the DocMobil platform.

8. Amendments and Termination

8.1 DocMobil reserves the right to amend this Agreement at any time. Doctors will be notified of any changes, and continued use of the platform constitutes acceptance of the revised terms.

8.2 Doctors may terminate their use of the DocMobil telemedicine platform at any time by discontinuing the provision of telemedicine services.

By providing telemedicine services through the DocMobil platform, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by this Doctor Disclosure Agreement.